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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists


Visits to International Teams

G. Zheng visited Beihang University (China) for two weeks in July 2016.

Explorer programme

COSY (under evaluation) Real-time Control of Synthetic microbial communities. While some precursory work has appeared in recent years, the control of microbial communities remains largely unexplored. This proposal aims at exploiting the potential of state-of-art biological modelling, control techniques, synthetic biology and experimental equipment to achieve a paradigm shift in control of microbial communities. Lead by E. Cinquemani as a collaboration of 4 Inria teams IBIS, BIOCORE, COMMANDS, Non-A), the Inria Exploratory Action INBIO and external partners BIOP (CNRS), MaIAge (INRA), and YoukLAB (TU Delft).

Research Stays Abroad

G. Zheng held a visiting professor position in Nanjing University of Science and Technology (China) for two months stay in August 2016.